BipedalLocomotion::ContinuousDynamicalSystem namespace


namespace internal


class CentroidalDynamics
CentroidalDynamics describes the centroidal dynamics of a multi-body system.
class CompliantContactWrench
A wrench excerted on a link due to an external contact.
template<class _Derived>
class DynamicalSystem
DynamicalSystem defines a continuous time dynamical system, i.e.
class FirstOrderSmoother
FirstOrderSmoother smoother implements a simple smoother based on a first order linear system.
class FixedBaseDynamics
FixedBaseDynamics describes a the dynamics of a fixed base system The FixedBaseDynamics inherits from a generic DynamicalSystem where the State is described by a BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::named_tuple.
template<class _Derived>
class FixedStepIntegrator
Fixed step integrator base class.
class FloatingBaseDynamicsWithCompliantContacts
FloatingBaseDynamicalSystem describes a floating base dynamical system.
class FloatingBaseSystemKinematics
FloatingBaseSystemKinematics describes a floating base system kinematics.
template<class _DynamicalSystem>
class ForwardEuler
Forward Euler integration method.
template<class _Derived>
class Integrator
Integrator base class.
template<typename _Derived>
class LieGroupDynamics
LieGroupDynamics describes the dynamics of a LieGroup.
class LinearTimeInvariantSystem
LinearTimeInvariantSystem describes a MIMO linear time invariant system of the form $\dot{x} = Ax + Bu$ where x is the state and u the control input.
class MultiStateWeightProvider
MultiStateWeightProvider describes the provider for a constant weight.
template<class _DynamicalSystem>
class RK4
RK4 implements the runge-kutta 4 integration method.


using SO3Dynamics = LieGroupDynamics<manif::SO3d>
SO3Dynamics describes the dynamics of a SO(3).
