BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge class

YarpSensorBridge Yarp implementation of the ISensorBridge interface Currently available interfaces.

  • Remapped Remote Control Board for joint states
  • Inertial Measurement Units through generic sensor interface and remapped multiple analog sensor interface
  • Whole Body Dynamics Estimated end effector wrenches through a generic sensor interface
  • Force Torque Sensors through analog sensor interface and remapped multiple analog sensor interface
  • Depth Cameras through RGBD sensor interface
  • Camera images through OpenCV Grabber interface

The YarpSensorBridge expects a list of device drivers through the yarp::dev::PolyDriverList object. Each PolyDriver object in the list is compared with the configured sensor names and the assumptions listed below to infer the sensor types and relevant interfaces in order to to read the relevant data.


  • Every sensor unit(device driver) attached to this Bridge is identified by a unique name
  • A single instance of a remote control board remapper and a multiple analog sensor remapper is expected if the suer wants to use the control board interfaces and multiple analog sensor interfaces
  • Any generic sensor interface with channel dimensions of 6 is considered to be a cartesian wrench interface
  • Any generic sensor interface with channel dimensions of 12 is considered as a IMU interface (server inertial)
  • Any analog sensor interface with channel dimensions of 6 is considered as a force torque sensor interface
  • The current internal design (read all sensors in a serial fashion) may not be suitable for a heavy measurement set

The parameters for writing the configuration file for this class is given as,

check_for_nanbooleanflag to activate checking for NANs in the incoming measurement buffers, not applicable for images
stream_joint_statesbooleanFlag to activate the attachment to remapped control boards for joint states reading
stream_inertialsbooleanFlag to activate the attachment to IMU sensor devices
stream_cartesian_wrenchesbooleanFlag to activate the attachment to Cartesian wrench related devices
stream_forcetorque_sensorsbooleanFlag to activate the attachment to six axis FT sensor devices
stream_camerasbooleanFlag to activate the attachment to Cameras devices
stream_pidsbooleanFlag to activate the attachment to remapped control boards for pids reading
stream_motor_statesbooleanFlag to activate the attachment to remapped control boards for motor states reading
stream_motor_PWMbooleanFlag to activate the attachment to remapped control boards for PWM reading
stream_temperaturesbooleanFlag to activate the attachment to MAS temperature sensors
RemoteControlBoardRemapperExpects only one remapped remotecontrolboard device attached to it, if there multiple remote control boards, then use a remapper to create a single remotecontrolboard
joints_listvector of stringsThis parameter is optional. The joints list used to open the remote control board remapper. If the list is not passed, the order of the joint stored in the PolyDriver is used
InertialSensorsExpects IMU to be opened as genericSensorClient devices communicating through the inertial server and other inertials as a part multiple analog sensors remapper ("multipleanalogsensorsremapper")
imu_listvector of stringslist of the names of devices opened as genericSensorClient device and having a channel dimension of 12
gyroscopes_listvector of stringslist of the names of devices opened with ThreeAxisGyroscope interface remapped through the "multipleanalogsensorsremapper" interfaces and having a channel dimension of 3
accelerometers_listvector of stringslist of the names of devices opened with ThreeAxisLinearAccelerometers interface remapped through the "multipleanalogsensorsremapper" interfaces and having a channel dimension of 3
orientation_sensors_listvector of stringslist of the names of devices opened with OrientationSensors interface remapped through the "multipleanalogsensorsremapper" interfaces and having a channel dimension of 3
magnetometers_listvector of stringslist of the names of devices opened with ThreeAxisMagnetometer interface remapped through the "multipleanalogsensorsremapper" interfaces and having a channel dimension of 3
CartesianWrenchesExpects the devices wrapping the cartesian wrenches ports to be opened as "genericSensorClient" device and have a channel dimension of 6
cartesian_wrenches_listvector of stringslist of the names of devices opened as genericSensorClient device and having a channel dimension of 6
SixAxisForceTorqueSensorsExpects the Six axis FT sensors to be opened with SixAxisForceTorqueSensors interface remapped through multiple analog sensors remapper ("multipleanalogsensorsremapper") or to be opened as analog sensor ("analogsensorclient") device having channel dimensions as 6
sixaxis_forcetorque_sensors_listvector of stringslist of six axis FT sensors (the difference between a MAS FT and an analog FT is done internally assuming that the names are distinct form each other)
TemperatureSensorsExpects the temperature sensors to be opened with TemperatureSensors interface remapped through multiple analog sensors remapper
temperature_sensors_listvector of stringslist containing the devices opened with TemperatureSensors interface

Base classes

class ISensorBridge
Sensor bridge interface.
template<class Output>
class BipedalLocomotion::System::Source<SensorBridgeMetaData>
Source is a template specialization of Advanceable and represents a block that does not contains input.

Public types

struct Impl

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

auto initialize(std::weak_ptr<const ParametersHandler::IParametersHandler> handler) -> bool final
Initialize estimator.
auto setDriversList(const yarp::dev::PolyDriverList& deviceDriversList) -> bool
Set the list of device drivers from which the sensor measurements need to be streamed.
auto advance() -> bool final
Advance the internal state.
auto isOutputValid() const -> bool final
Determines the validity of the object retrieved with get()
auto getFailedSensorReads() const -> std::vector<std::string>
list of sensors that was failed to be read in the current advance() step
auto getOutput() const -> const SensorBridgeMetaData& final
Get the object.
auto getJointsList(std::vector<std::string>& jointsList) -> bool final
Get joints list.
auto getIMUsList(std::vector<std::string>& IMUsList) -> bool final
Get imu sensors.
auto getLinearAccelerometersList(std::vector<std::string>& linearAccelerometersList) -> bool final
Get linear accelerometers.
auto getGyroscopesList(std::vector<std::string>& gyroscopesList) -> bool final
Get gyroscopes.
auto getOrientationSensorsList(std::vector<std::string>& orientationSensorsList) -> bool final
Get orientation sensors.
auto getMagnetometersList(std::vector<std::string>& magnetometersList) -> bool final
Get magnetometers sensors.
auto getSixAxisForceTorqueSensorsList(std::vector<std::string>& sixAxisForceTorqueSensorsList) -> bool final
Get 6 axis FT sensors.
auto getThreeAxisForceTorqueSensorsList(std::vector<std::string>& threeAxisForceTorqueSensorsList) -> bool final
Get 6 axis FT sensors.
auto getCartesianWrenchesList(std::vector<std::string>& cartesianWrenchesList) -> bool final
Get cartesian wrenches.
auto getTemperatureSensorsList(std::vector<std::string>& temperatureSensorsList) -> bool final
Get temperature sensors.
auto getJointsList() const -> const std::vector<std::string>&
auto getIMUsList() const -> const std::vector<std::string>&
auto getLinearAccelerometersList() const -> const std::vector<std::string>&
auto getGyroscopesList() const -> const std::vector<std::string>&
auto getOrientationSensorsList() const -> const std::vector<std::string>&
auto getMagnetometersList() const -> const std::vector<std::string>&
auto getSixAxisForceTorqueSensorsList() const -> const std::vector<std::string>&
auto getTemperatureSensorsList() const -> const std::vector<std::string>&
auto getCartesianWrenchesList() const -> const std::vector<std::string>&
auto getJointPosition(const std::string& jointName, double& jointPosition, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get joint position in radians.
auto getJointPositions(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> jointPositions, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get all joints' positions in radians.
auto getJointVelocity(const std::string& jointName, double& jointVelocity, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get joint velocity in rad/s.
auto getJointVelocities(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> jointVelocties, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get all joints' velocities in rad/s.
auto getJointAcceleration(const std::string& jointName, double& jointAcceleration, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get joint acceleration in rad/s^2.
auto getJointAccelerations(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> jointAccelerations, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get all joints' accelerations in rad/s^2.
auto getIMUMeasurement(const std::string& imuName, Eigen::Ref<Vector12d> imuMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get IMU measurement The serialization of measurments is as follows, (rpy acc omega mag)
auto getLinearAccelerometerMeasurement(const std::string& accName, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> accMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get linear accelerometer measurement in m/s^2.
auto getGyroscopeMeasure(const std::string& gyroName, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> gyroMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get gyroscope measurement in rad/s.
auto getOrientationSensorMeasurement(const std::string& rpyName, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> rpyMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get orientation sensor measurement in radians as roll pitch yaw Euler angles.
auto getMagnetometerMeasurement(const std::string& magName, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> magMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get magentometer measurement in tesla.
auto getSixAxisForceTorqueMeasurement(const std::string& ftName, Eigen::Ref<Vector6d> ftMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get six axis force torque measurement.
auto getThreeAxisForceTorqueMeasurement(const std::string& ftName, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> ftMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get three axis force-torque measurement containing normal force (N) and tangential moments (Nm)
auto getCartesianWrench(const std::string& cartesianWrenchName, Eigen::Ref<Vector6d> cartesianWrenchMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get 6D end effector wrenches in N and Nm for forces and torques respectively.
auto getTemperature(const std::string& temperatureSensorName, double& temperature, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get temperature measurement.
auto getMotorCurrent(const std::string& jointName, double& motorCurrent, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get motor current in ampere.
auto getMotorCurrents(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> motorCurrents, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get all motors' currents in ampere.
auto getMotorPWM(const std::string& jointName, double& motorPWM, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get motor PWM.
auto getMotorPWMs(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> motorPWMs, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get all motors' PWMs.
auto getJointTorque(const std::string& jointName, double& jointTorque, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get motor torque in Nm.
auto getJointTorques(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> jointTorques, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get all motors' torques in Nm.
auto getPidPosition(const std::string& jointName, double& pidPosition, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get pid position in rad.
auto getPidPositions(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> pidPositions, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get all pid positions in rad.
auto getPidPositionError(const std::string& jointName, double& pidPositionError, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get pid position error in rad.
auto getPidPositionErrors(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> pidPositionErrors, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get all pid position errors in rad.
auto getMotorPosition(const std::string& jointName, double& motorPosition, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get motor position in rad.
auto getMotorPositions(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> motorPositions, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get all motors' positions in rad.
auto getMotorVelocity(const std::string& jointName, double& motorVelocity, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get motor velocity in rad/s.
auto getMotorVelocities(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> motorVelocties, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get all motors' velocities in rad/s.
auto getMotorAcceleration(const std::string& jointName, double& motorAcceleration, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get motor acceleration in rad/s^2.
auto getMotorAccelerations(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> motorAccelerations, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get all motors' accelerations in rad/s.

Function documentation

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::initialize(std::weak_ptr<const ParametersHandler::IParametersHandler> handler) final

Initialize estimator.

handler in Parameters handler

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::setDriversList(const yarp::dev::PolyDriverList& deviceDriversList)

Set the list of device drivers from which the sensor measurements need to be streamed.

deviceDriversList device drivers holding the pointer to sensor interfaces
Returns True/False in case of success/failure.

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::advance() final

Advance the internal state.

Returns True if the advance is successful.

This may change the value retrievable from get().

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::isOutputValid() const final

Determines the validity of the object retrieved with get()

Returns True if the object is valid, false otherwise.

std::vector<std::string> BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getFailedSensorReads() const

list of sensors that was failed to be read in the current advance() step

Returns list of sensors as a vector of strings

const SensorBridgeMetaData& BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getOutput() const final

Get the object.

Returns a const reference of the requested object.

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getJointsList(std::vector<std::string>& jointsList) final

Get joints list.

jointsList out list of joints attached to the bridge
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getIMUsList(std::vector<std::string>& IMUsList) final

Get imu sensors.

IMUsList out list of IMUs attached to the bridge
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getLinearAccelerometersList(std::vector<std::string>& linearAccelerometersList) final

Get linear accelerometers.

linearAccelerometersList out list of linear accelerometers attached to the bridge
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getGyroscopesList(std::vector<std::string>& gyroscopesList) final

Get gyroscopes.

gyroscopesList out list of gyroscopes attached to the bridge
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getOrientationSensorsList(std::vector<std::string>& orientationSensorsList) final

Get orientation sensors.

orientationSensorsList out list of orientation sensors attached to the bridge
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMagnetometersList(std::vector<std::string>& magnetometersList) final

Get magnetometers sensors.

magnetometersList out list of magnetometers attached to the bridge
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getSixAxisForceTorqueSensorsList(std::vector<std::string>& sixAxisForceTorqueSensorsList) final

Get 6 axis FT sensors.

sixAxisForceTorqueSensorsList out list of 6 axis force torque sensors attached to the bridge
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getThreeAxisForceTorqueSensorsList(std::vector<std::string>& threeAxisForceTorqueSensorsList) final

Get 6 axis FT sensors.

threeAxisForceTorqueSensorsList out list of 3 axis force torque sensors attached to the bridge
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getCartesianWrenchesList(std::vector<std::string>& cartesianWrenchesList) final

Get cartesian wrenches.

cartesianWrenchesList out list of cartesian wrenches attached to the bridge
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getTemperatureSensorsList(std::vector<std::string>& temperatureSensorsList) final

Get temperature sensors.

Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getJointPosition(const std::string& jointName, double& jointPosition, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get joint position in radians.

jointName in name of the joint
jointPosition out joint position in radians
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getJointPositions(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> jointPositions, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get all joints' positions in radians.

jointPositions out all joints' position in radians
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getJointVelocity(const std::string& jointName, double& jointVelocity, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get joint velocity in rad/s.

jointName in name of the joint
jointVelocity out joint velocity in radians per second
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getJointVelocities(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> jointVelocties, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get all joints' velocities in rad/s.

jointVelocties out all joints' velocities in radians per second
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getJointAcceleration(const std::string& jointName, double& jointAcceleration, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get joint acceleration in rad/s^2.

jointName in name of the joint
jointAcceleration out joint acceleration in radians per second squared
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getJointAccelerations(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> jointAccelerations, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get all joints' accelerations in rad/s^2.

jointAccelerations out all joints' accelerations in radians per second squared
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getIMUMeasurement(const std::string& imuName, Eigen::Ref<Vector12d> imuMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get IMU measurement The serialization of measurments is as follows, (rpy acc omega mag)

imuName in name of the IMU
imuMeasurement out imu measurement of size 12
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure
  • rpy in radians Roll-Pitch-Yaw Euler angles
  • acc in m/s^2 linear accelerometer measurements
  • omega in rad/s gyroscope measurements
  • mag in tesla magnetometer measurements

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getLinearAccelerometerMeasurement(const std::string& accName, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> accMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get linear accelerometer measurement in m/s^2.

accName in name of the linear accelerometer
accMeasurement out linear accelerometer measurements of size 3
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getGyroscopeMeasure(const std::string& gyroName, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> gyroMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get gyroscope measurement in rad/s.

gyroName in name of the gyroscope
gyroMeasurement out gyroscope measurements of size 3
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getOrientationSensorMeasurement(const std::string& rpyName, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> rpyMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get orientation sensor measurement in radians as roll pitch yaw Euler angles.

rpyName in name of the orientation sensor
rpyMeasurement out rpy measurements of size 3
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMagnetometerMeasurement(const std::string& magName, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> magMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get magentometer measurement in tesla.

magName in name of the magnetometer
magMeasurement out magnetometer measurements of size 3
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getSixAxisForceTorqueMeasurement(const std::string& ftName, Eigen::Ref<Vector6d> ftMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get six axis force torque measurement.

ftName in name of the FT sensor
ftMeasurement out FT measurements of size 6 containing 3d forces and 3d torques
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getThreeAxisForceTorqueMeasurement(const std::string& ftName, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> ftMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get three axis force-torque measurement containing normal force (N) and tangential moments (Nm)

ftName in name of the FT sensor
ftMeasurement out FT measurements of size 3 containing tau_x tau_y and fz
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getCartesianWrench(const std::string& cartesianWrenchName, Eigen::Ref<Vector6d> cartesianWrenchMeasurement, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get 6D end effector wrenches in N and Nm for forces and torques respectively.

cartesianWrenchName in name of the end effector wrench
cartesianWrenchMeasurement out end effector wrench measurement of size 6
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getTemperature(const std::string& temperatureSensorName, double& temperature, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get temperature measurement.

temperatureSensorName in name of the temperature sensor
temperature out temperature measurement
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMotorCurrent(const std::string& jointName, double& motorCurrent, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get motor current in ampere.

jointName in name of the joint
motorCurrent out motor current in ampere
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMotorCurrents(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> motorCurrents, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get all motors' currents in ampere.

motorCurrents out all motors' current in ampere
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMotorPWM(const std::string& jointName, double& motorPWM, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get motor PWM.

jointName in name of the joint
motorPWM out motor PWM
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMotorPWMs(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> motorPWMs, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get all motors' PWMs.

motorPWMs out all motors' PWM in ampere
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getJointTorque(const std::string& jointName, double& jointTorque, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get motor torque in Nm.

jointName in name of the joint
jointTorque out motor torque in Nm
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getJointTorques(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> jointTorques, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get all motors' torques in Nm.

jointTorques out all motors' torque in Nm
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was receivedW
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getPidPosition(const std::string& jointName, double& pidPosition, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get pid position in rad.

jointName in name of the joint
pidPosition out pid position in radians
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getPidPositions(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> pidPositions, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get all pid positions in rad.

pidPositions out all pid positions in radians
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getPidPositionError(const std::string& jointName, double& pidPositionError, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get pid position error in rad.

jointName in name of the joint
pidPositionError out pid position error in radians
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getPidPositionErrors(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> pidPositionErrors, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get all pid position errors in rad.

pidPositionErrors out all pid position errors in radians
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMotorPosition(const std::string& jointName, double& motorPosition, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get motor position in rad.

jointName in name of the joint
motorPosition out motor position in radians
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMotorPositions(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> motorPositions, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get all motors' positions in rad.

motorPositions out all motors' position in radians
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMotorVelocity(const std::string& jointName, double& motorVelocity, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get motor velocity in rad/s.

jointName in name of the joint
motorVelocity out motor velocity in radians per second
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMotorVelocities(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> motorVelocties, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get all motors' velocities in rad/s.

motorVelocties out all motors' velocities in radians per second
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMotorAcceleration(const std::string& jointName, double& motorAcceleration, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get motor acceleration in rad/s^2.

jointName in name of the joint
motorAcceleration out motor acceleration in radians per second squared
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpSensorBridge::getMotorAccelerations(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> motorAccelerations, OptionalDoubleRef receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get all motors' accelerations in rad/s.

motorAccelerations out all motors' accelerations in radians per second squared
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure