BipedalLocomotion::Estimators namespace


namespace FloatingBaseEstimators
namespace RobotDynamicsEstimator


struct RecursiveLeastSquareState
RecursiveLeastSquare contains the implementation of the Recursive least square filter described in Lennart Ljung - System Identification Theory for the User (1999, Prentice Hall).
class RecursiveLeastSquare
struct BaseEstimatorFromFootIMUState
BaseEstimatorFromFootIMUState contains the internal state of the estimator.
struct BaseEstimatorFromFootIMUInput
BaseEstimatorFromFootIMUInput contains the input of the BaseEstimatorFromFootIMU class.
class BaseEstimatorFromFootIMU
BaseEstimatorFromFootIMU implements the propagation of the foot pose to the root link through the kinematic chain given by the leg joints positions.
class FloatingBaseEstimator
FloatingBaseEstimator class contains the bare-bones implementation for a LeggedOdometry based or Extended Kalman Filter based floating base estimation algorithms for bipedal robots.
class InvariantEKFBaseEstimator
InvariantEKFBaseEstimator class implements the Contact Aided Invariant EKF algorithm, developed by Ross Hartley, Maani Ghaffari, Ryan M.
class LeggedOdometry
Floating base estimation algorithm using only kinematic measurements by assuming atleast one frame on the robot is in contact with the environment.