BipedalLocomotion::TextLogging::DefaultLoggerFactory class final

Base classes

class LoggerFactory
LoggerFactory is an interface that implements the factory paradigm.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

DefaultLoggerFactory(const std::string_view& name = "blf")
Construct a new DefaultLoggerFactory object.

Public functions

auto createLogger() -> std::shared_ptr<Logger> const final
Create the std clock as a singleton.

Function documentation

BipedalLocomotion::TextLogging::DefaultLoggerFactory::DefaultLoggerFactory(const std::string_view& name = "blf")

Construct a new DefaultLoggerFactory object.

name the name of the logger which will be used inside the formatted messages

std::shared_ptr<Logger> const BipedalLocomotion::TextLogging::DefaultLoggerFactory::createLogger() final

Create the std clock as a singleton.

Returns the reference to a System::StdClock