BipedalLocomotion/Conversions/ManifConversions.h file


namespace BipedalLocomotion
namespace BipedalLocomotion::Conversions


template<class Scalar>
auto toManifPose(const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3>& rotation, const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1>& translation) -> manif::SE3<Scalar>
Convert rotation matrix and translation vector to manif SE3 object.
auto toManifPose(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3d> rotation, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d> translation) -> manif::SE3d
Convert rotation matrix and translation vector to manif SE3d object.
auto toManifPose(const iDynTree::Transform& H) -> manif::SE3d
Convert iDynTree transform object to manif SE3d object.
template<class Scalar>
auto toManifRot(const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3>& rotation) -> manif::SO3<Scalar>
Convert rotation matrix to manif SO3 object.
auto toManifRot(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3d> rotation) -> manif::SO3d
Convert rotation matrix to manif SO3d object.
auto toManifRot(const iDynTree::Rotation& R) -> manif::SO3d
Convert iDynTree rotation object to manif SE3d object.
auto toManifTwist(const iDynTree::Twist& twist) -> manif::SE3Tangentd
Convert iDynTree twist object to manif SE3Tangentd object.
auto toiDynTreePose(const manif::SE3d& se3) -> iDynTree::Transform
Convert a manif SE3 object into and iDynTree::Transform.

Function documentation

template<class Scalar>
manif::SE3<Scalar> toManifPose(const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3>& rotation, const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1>& translation)

Convert rotation matrix and translation vector to manif SE3 object.

rotation reference to 3x3 Eigen matrix
translation reference of 3x1 Eigen matrix
Returns pose as manif SE3 object

manif::SE3d toManifPose(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3d> rotation, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d> translation)

Convert rotation matrix and translation vector to manif SE3d object.

rotation Eigen ref of 3x3 rotation matrix
translation Eigen ref of 3x1 translation vector
Returns pose as manif SE3d object

manif::SE3d toManifPose(const iDynTree::Transform& H)

Convert iDynTree transform object to manif SE3d object.

H reference to iDynTree Tranform object
Returns pose as manif SE3d object

template<class Scalar>
manif::SO3<Scalar> toManifRot(const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3>& rotation)

Convert rotation matrix to manif SO3 object.

rotation reference to 3x3 Eigen matrix
Returns pose as manif SO3 object

manif::SO3d toManifRot(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix3d> rotation)

Convert rotation matrix to manif SO3d object.

rotation Eigen ref of 3x3 rotation matrix
Returns pose as manif SO3d object

manif::SO3d toManifRot(const iDynTree::Rotation& R)

Convert iDynTree rotation object to manif SE3d object.

R reference to iDynTree rotation object
Returns pose as manif SO3d object

manif::SE3Tangentd toManifTwist(const iDynTree::Twist& twist)

Convert iDynTree twist object to manif SE3Tangentd object.

twist reference to iDynTree twist object
Returns a twist as manif SE3Tangentd object

iDynTree::Transform toiDynTreePose(const manif::SE3d& se3)

Convert a manif SE3 object into and iDynTree::Transform.

se3 a manif SE3 object
Returns pose as iDynTree::Transform