BipedalLocomotion namespace


namespace AutoDiff
namespace ContactModels
namespace Contacts
namespace ContinuousDynamicalSystem
namespace Conversions
namespace Estimators
namespace GenericContainer
namespace IK
namespace Math
namespace ML
namespace ParametersHandler
namespace Perception
namespace Planners
namespace ReducedModelControllers
namespace RobotInterface
namespace SimplifiedModelControllers
namespace System
namespace TextLogging
namespace TSID
namespace YarpUtilities
Helper for YARP library.


auto log() -> std::shared_ptr<TextLogging::Logger> const
Get an the instance of the log.
auto clock() -> System::IClock&
Get the clock singleton.

Function documentation

std::shared_ptr<TextLogging::Logger> const BipedalLocomotion::log()

Get an the instance of the log.

System::IClock& BipedalLocomotion::clock()

Get the clock singleton.