- class CARE
- Computes the unique stabilizing solution S to the continuous-time algebraic equation.
- class ContactWrenchCone
- ContactWrenchCone computes the polyhedral approximation of the contact wrench friction cone.
- class LinearizedFrictionCone
- LinearizedFrictionCone computes the polyhedral approximation of the friction cone.
- class QuadraticBezierCurve
- QuadraticBezierCurve implements a quadratic Bézier curve.
- struct SchmittTriggerOutput
- struct SchmittTriggerInput
- SchmittTriggerState contains the input of the SchmittTrigger class.
- struct SchmittTriggerState
- SchmittTriggerState contains the internal state of the trigger,.
- class SchmittTrigger
- SchmittTrigger implements a discrete version of a SchmittTrigger See here for further details.
template<class Scalar>class Wrench
- Wrench represent a wrench, i.e.
template<class Scalar>auto operator*(const manif::SE3<Scalar>& transform, const Wrench<Scalar>& wrench) -> Wrench<Scalar>
- Change the frame in which the Wrench is expressed.
template<class Scalar>auto operator*(const manif::SO3<Scalar>& rotation, const Wrench<Scalar>& wrench) -> Wrench<Scalar>
- Change the frame in which the Wrench is expressed.
- double StandardAccelerationOfGravitation constexpr
- The standard acceleration due to gravity (or standard acceleration of free fall), sometimes abbreviated as standard gravity, is the nominal gravitational acceleration of an object in a vacuum near the surface of the Earth.
- double AbsoluteEqualityDoubleTolerance constexpr
- The Absolute tolerance used to consider two double equal.