BipedalLocomotion::Planners namespace


class ConvexHullHelper
ConvexHullHelper is an helper class that simplifies the building of a convex hull given a set of points that belongs to $\mathbb{R} ^n$ .
class CubicSpline
Cubic spline implement a 3-rd order polynomial spline in $f\mathbb{R}^n$f.
struct DCMPlannerState
DCMPlannerState describes the state of the Divergent Component of Motion (DCM) planner.
class DCMPlanner
DCMPlanner defines a trajectory generator for the variable height Divergent component of motion (DCM).
class QuinticSpline
Quintic spline implement a 5-th order polynomial spline in $f\mathbb{R}^n$f.
struct SO3PlannerState
SO3PlannerState contains the state of the planner.
template<LieGroupTrivialization trivialization>
class SO3Planner
SO3Planner implements a minimum jerk trajectory planner for object belonging to SO(3).
struct SplineState
class Spline
spline implement an interface for a Spline in $\mathbb{R}^n$
struct SwingFootPlannerState
SwingFootPlannerState describes the state of Swing foot planner.
class SwingFootPlanner
SwingFootPlanner implement a minimum jerk trajectory planner for the swing foot.
class TimeVaryingDCMPlanner
DCMPlanner defines a trajectory generator for the variable height Divergent component of motion (DCM).
struct UnicycleKnot
struct UnicyclePlannerInput
struct UnicyclePlannerOutput
class UnicyclePlanner


enum class LieGroupTrivialization { Left, Right }
Trivialization used in the SO3Planner.


using SO3PlannerInertial = SO3Planner<LieGroupTrivialization::Right>
The right trivialization planner generates a velocity and an acceleration expressed in the inertial frame.
using SO3PlannerBody = SO3Planner<LieGroupTrivialization::Left>
The left trivialization planner generates a velocity and an acceleration expressed in the body-fixed frame.