BipedalLocomotion::TSID::TSIDLinearTask struct

TSIDLinearTask specializes a LinearTask in the case of Task based Inverse Dynamics.

Base classes

class BipedalLocomotion::System::LinearTask
LinearTask describes a Linear Task element.

Derived classes

class AngularMomentumTask
AngularMomentumTask is a concrete implementation of the TSIDLinearTask.
class BaseDynamicsTask
BaseDynamicsTask is a concrete implementation of the Task.
class CoMTask
ComTask is a concrete implementation of the TSIDLinearTask.
class FeasibleContactWrenchTask
FeasibleContactWrenchTask is a concrete implementation of the TSIDLinearTask.
class JointDynamicsTask
JointsDynamicsTask is a concrete implementation of the Task.
class JointTrackingTask
JointsTrackingTask is a concrete implementation of the Task.
class SE3Task
SE3Task is a concrete implementation of the OptimalControlElement.
class SO3Task
SO3Task is a concrete implementation of the TSIDLinearTask.
class VariableRegularizationTask
VariableRegularizationTask is a concrete implementation of the Task.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~TSIDLinearTask() defaulted virtual