BipedalLocomotion::Planners::UnicycleKnot struct

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

UnicycleKnot(const double _x = 0.0, const double _y = 0.0, const double _dx = 0.0, const double _dy = 0.0, const double _t = 0.0)
UnicycleKnot(const Eigen::Vector2d& _position = {0, 0}, const Eigen::Vector2d& _velocity = {0, 0}, const double _time = 0.0)

Public functions

auto operator==(const UnicycleKnot& rhs) -> bool

Public variables

double x
The knot x coordinates.
double y
The knot y coordinates.
double dx
The knot x velocity.
double dy
The knot y velocity.
double time
The knot activation time.