BipedalLocomotion/ContinuousDynamicalSystem/SO3Dynamics.h file


namespace BipedalLocomotion
namespace BipedalLocomotion::ContinuousDynamicalSystem


using SO3Dynamics = LieGroupDynamics<manif::SO3d>
SO3Dynamics describes the dynamics of a SO(3).

Typedef documentation

using SO3Dynamics = LieGroupDynamics<manif::SO3d>

SO3Dynamics describes the dynamics of a SO(3).

In details, given an element of SO(3) $R \in SO(3)$ and a vector of its Lie Algebra $ \omega^\wedge \in \mathrm{so}(3)$ , SO3Dynamics implements

\[ \dot{R} = \omega^\wedge R \]

where $\dot{R} \in T_R SO(3)$ with $T_R SO(3)$ is the Tangent space of $SO(3)$ at $R$ .

The SO3Dynamics inherits from a generic DynamicalSystem where the State is described by a BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::named_tuple

LieGroupmanif::SO3dThe rotation matrix

The StateDerivative is described by a BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::named_tuple

Tangentmanif::SO3d::TangentAngular velocity in inertial frame

The Input is described by a BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::named_tuple

Tangentmanif::SO3d::TangentAngular velocity in inertial frame