BipedalLocomotion::Planners::UnicycleTrajectoryPlannerOutput::ContactStatus struct

Public variables

std::vector<bool> leftFootInContact
True if the left foot is in contact.
std::vector<bool> rightFootInContact
True if the right foot is in contact.
std::vector<bool> UsedLeftAsFixed
True if the left foot is the last that got in contact.

Variable documentation

std::vector<bool> BipedalLocomotion::Planners::UnicycleTrajectoryPlannerOutput::ContactStatus::leftFootInContact

True if the left foot is in contact.

False otherwise.

std::vector<bool> BipedalLocomotion::Planners::UnicycleTrajectoryPlannerOutput::ContactStatus::rightFootInContact

True if the right foot is in contact.

False otherwise.