BipedalLocomotion::Planners::UnicycleTrajectoryPlannerParameters struct

Public variables

std::chrono::nanoseconds dt
Sampling time of the planner.
std::chrono::nanoseconds plannerHorizon
Time horizon of the planner.
std::chrono::nanoseconds minStepDuration
Time minimum time duration of a step.
double leftYawDeltaInRad
Left foot cartesian offset in the yaw.
double rightYawDeltaInRad
Right foot cartesian offset in the yaw.
Eigen::Vector2d referencePointDistance
Reference position of the unicycle controller.
double nominalWidth
Nominal feet distance.
int leftContactFrameIndex
Index of the left foot contact frame.
std::string leftContactFrameName
Name of the left foot contact frame.
int rightContactFrameIndex
Index of the right foot contact frame.
std::string rightContactFrameName
Name of the right foot contact frame.