BipedalLocomotion::Estimators::RobotDynamicsEstimator::UkfModel class

UkfModel is a base class to define the process and measurement model of the UKF.

It includes all the methods shared between the two concrete classes, as the update of the robot dynamics and the robot state.

Public functions

void unpackState()
unpackState splits the state vector in all the variables composing the state.
auto updateState() -> bool
updateState updates the robot state and dynamics and of the sub-model states and dynamics by using the estimation of the previous step.

Protected variables

bool m_isInitialized
bool m_isFinalized
Eigen::Vector3d m_gravity
Gravity vector.
double m_dT
Sampling time.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Dynamics>>> m_dynamicsList
List of the dynamics composing the model.
System::VariablesHandler m_stateVariableHandler
Variable handler describing the state vector.
std::shared_ptr<iDynTree::KinDynComputations> m_kinDynFullModel
KinDynComputation object for the full model.
std::vector<SubModel> m_subModelList
List of SubModel object describing the sub-models composing the full model.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<KinDynWrapper>> m_kinDynWrapperList
List of KinDynWrapper objects containing kinematic and dynamic information specific of each sub-model.
std::shared_ptr<const UkfInputProvider> m_ukfInputProvider
Provider containing the updated robot state.
UKFInput m_ukfInput
Struct containing the inputs for the ukf populated by the ukfInputProvider.
Eigen::VectorXd m_jointVelocityState
Joint velocity computed by the ukf.
Eigen::VectorXd m_jointAccelerationState
Joint acceleration computed from forward dynamics which depends on the current ukf state.
Eigen::VectorXd m_currentState
State estimated in the previous step.
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> m_subModelJointPos
List of sub-model joint velocities.
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> m_subModelJointVel
List of sub-model joint velocities.
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> m_subModelJointAcc
List of sub-model joint accelerations.
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> m_subModelNuDot
List of sub-model accelerations (base + joints = nudot).
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> m_subModelJointMotorTorque
List of sub-model joint motor torques.
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> m_subModelFrictionTorque
List of sub-model friction torques.
std::map<std::string, Math::Wrenchd> m_FTMap
The map contains names of the ft sensors and values of the wrench.
std::map<std::string, Math::Wrenchd> m_extContactMap
The map contains names of the ft sensors and values of the wrench.
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> m_totalTorqueFromContacts
Joint torques due to known and unknown contacts on the sub-model.
Math::Wrenchd m_wrench
Joint torques due to a specific contact.
Eigen::VectorXd m_measurement
Measurements coming from the sensors.
std::map<std::string, Eigen::VectorXd> m_measurementMap
Measurement map <measurement name, measurement value>.
manif::SE3d::Tangent m_subModelBaseVelTemp
Velocity of the base of the sub-model.
std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> m_tempJacobianList
List of jacobians per eache submodel.
manif::SE3d m_worldTBase
Sub-model base pose wrt the inertial frame.
int m_offsetMeasurement
Offset used to fill the measurement vector.

Function documentation

bool BipedalLocomotion::Estimators::RobotDynamicsEstimator::UkfModel::updateState()

updateState updates the robot state and dynamics and of the sub-model states and dynamics by using the estimation of the previous step.

Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.