BipedalLocomotion::ContactModels::ContinuousContactModel class final

ContinuousContactModel is a model that describe the contact using a continuous representation.

It is an extension of the brush model used for describing the contact between the tire and the ground. Each point in the contact surface is subjected to an infinitesimal force $f$ given by $f=k(x_0 - x)- b x$ , where $k$ is the spring coefficient and $b$ is the damper coefficient. $x$ and $x_0$ are, respectively, the position of the point placed in the contact surface and the point con corresponding to a null contact force written in the inertial frame. Furthermore, during the contact scenario, we assume the link acts as a rigid body. While the environment will deform. The ground characteristics are isotropic, and it can be approximated as a continuum of springs and dampers. The contact surface is supposed to be rectangular. The frame placed on the contact surfaced is centered in the middle of the surface, with the z-axis pointing upwards and the x-axis pointing forward (parallel to one edge of the rectangle). We define length the length of the edge parallel to the \x coordinate and width the length of the edge parallel to the y coordinate.

Base classes

class ContactModel
ContactModel is a generic implementation of a contact model.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

auto getForceAtPoint(const double& x, const double& y) -> iDynTree::Force
Compute the contact force applied by the environment on the system in a particular point of the contact surface.
auto getTorqueGeneratedAtPoint(const double& x, const double& y) -> iDynTree::Torque
Compute the torque applied by the environment on the system about the origin of the frame place in the contact surface whose origin is the center of the surface generated by the force acting on the point (x, y)
auto springCoeff() const -> const double&
auto springCoeff() -> double&
auto damperCoeff() const -> const double&
auto damperCoeff() -> double&

Private functions

void computeContactWrench() final
Evaluate the contact wrench given a specific contact model.
void computeAutonomousDynamics() final
Evaluate the Autonomous System Dynamics of the derivative of a specific contact model.
void computeControlMatrix() final
Evaluate the Control Matrix of the derivative of a specific contact model.
void computeRegressor() final
Evaluate the regressor matrix.
auto initializePrivate(std::weak_ptr<ParametersHandler::IParametersHandler> handler) -> bool final
Initialization of the class.
void setStatePrivate(const iDynTree::Twist& twist, const iDynTree::Transform& transform) final
Set the internal state of the model.
void setNullForceTransformPrivate(const iDynTree::Transform& transform) final
Set the null force transform of the model.

Function documentation

iDynTree::Force BipedalLocomotion::ContactModels::ContinuousContactModel::getForceAtPoint(const double& x, const double& y)

Compute the contact force applied by the environment on the system in a particular point of the contact surface.

x x-coordinate of the point expressed in a frame placed in the contact surface whose origin is the center of the surface [in meters]
y y-coordinate of the point expressed in a frame placed in the contact surface whose origin is the center of the surface [in meters]

iDynTree::Torque BipedalLocomotion::ContactModels::ContinuousContactModel::getTorqueGeneratedAtPoint(const double& x, const double& y)

Compute the torque applied by the environment on the system about the origin of the frame place in the contact surface whose origin is the center of the surface generated by the force acting on the point (x, y)

x x-coordinate of the point expressed in a frame placed in the contact surface whose origin is the center of the surface [in meters]
y y-coordinate of the point expressed in a frame placed in the contact surface whose origin is the center of the surface [in meters]

bool BipedalLocomotion::ContactModels::ContinuousContactModel::initializePrivate(std::weak_ptr<ParametersHandler::IParametersHandler> handler) final private

Initialization of the class.

handler std::weak_ptr to a parameter container. This class does not have the ownership of the container.
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

Please call this method before evaluating any other function

void BipedalLocomotion::ContactModels::ContinuousContactModel::setStatePrivate(const iDynTree::Twist& twist, const iDynTree::Transform& transform) final private

Set the internal state of the model.

twist spatial velocity (expressed in mixed representation) of the link
transform transformation between the link and the inertial frame

void BipedalLocomotion::ContactModels::ContinuousContactModel::setNullForceTransformPrivate(const iDynTree::Transform& transform) final private

Set the null force transform of the model.

transform transformation corresponding to a null force expressed w.r.t. the inertial frame