template<typename T>
BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector class

Forward declaration of Vector class.

Vector is a utility class which maps another existing contiguous container.

T is the type of vector (double, float, int, string,...)

It does not contain any data, but only a pointer to an existing contiguous area of memory containing a sequence of objects. It also stores its size, i.e. the number of objects. It does not own this portion of memory, hence it needs to be properly initialized from an existing container, such as an iDynTree::Vector, std::vector, array, yarp::sig::Vector and similar. Even if it does not own the memory, it is possible to resize it. This is done through an user specified lambda, which calls the corresponding "resize" method on the original object from which Vector has been initialized.

Derived classes

class BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector::Ref
The class ref is used a substitution to a classical reference to a Vector.

Public types

class Ref
The class ref is used a substitution to a classical reference to a Vector.
using vector_element_type = typename iDynTree::Span<T>::element_type
Utility aliases depending on the type T.
using value_type = typename iDynTree::Span<T>::value_type
using index_type = typename iDynTree::Span<T>::index_type
using pointer = typename iDynTree::Span<T>::pointer
using reference = typename iDynTree::Span<T>::reference
using const_reference = const value_type&
using size_type = typename iDynTree::Span<T>::size_type
using iterator = typename iDynTree::Span<T>::iterator
Utility aliases to define iterators.
using const_iterator = typename iDynTree::Span<T>::const_iterator
using reverse_iterator = typename iDynTree::Span<T>::reverse_iterator
using const_reverse_iterator = typename iDynTree::Span<T>::const_reverse_iterator
using resize_function_type = std::function<iDynTree::Span<T>(index_type)>
Alias for the type of lambda used to resize the original vector.
using eigen_map_type = typename Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>>
Alias to determine the output type of toEigen()
using eigen_map_const_type = typename Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>>

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Vector() protected defaulted
The default constructor is private.
Vector(iDynTree::Span<T> span, resize_function_type resizeLambda)
Vector(iDynTree::Span<T> span)
~Vector() defaulted
Vector(const Vector<T>& other) deleted
Copy constructor.
Vector(Vector<T>&& other)
Move constructor.

Public functions

auto clone(const Vector<T>& other) -> bool
Copies the content of the vector.
auto clone(iDynTree::Span<T> other) -> bool
Copies the content of the vector.
auto operator=(const Vector<T>& other) -> Vector<T>&
operator = Copies the content
auto operator=(iDynTree::Span<T> other) -> Vector<T>&
operator = Copies the content
auto operator=(Vector<T>&& other) -> Vector<T>&
Move operator = Copies the content.
auto resizeVector(index_type newSize) -> bool
resizeVector It resize the original vector (if possible)
void resize(index_type newSize)
resize It resize the original vector (if possible)
auto size() const -> index_type
size Get the size of the Vector
auto empty() const -> bool
empty Checks if the container is empty (zero size)
auto operator[](index_type idx) const -> const_reference
operator [] Accessor
auto operator[](index_type idx) -> reference
operator [] Accessor
auto getVal(index_type idx) const -> vector_element_type
getVal Accessor
auto setVal(index_type idx, vector_element_type val) -> bool
setVal Setter
auto at(index_type idx) const -> const_reference
at Accessor
auto at(index_type idx) -> reference
at Accessor
auto operator()(index_type idx) const -> const_reference
operator () Accessor
auto operator()(index_type idx) -> reference
operator () Accessor
auto data() const -> pointer
data Raw pointer to the data
auto begin() -> iterator
begin Iterator
auto end() -> iterator
end Iterator
auto begin() const -> const_iterator
begin Iterator
auto end() const -> const_iterator
end Iterator
auto cbegin() const -> const_iterator
cbegin Iterator
auto cend() const -> const_iterator
cend Iterator
auto rbegin() -> reverse_iterator
rbegin Iterator to the first element of the reversed vector
auto rend() -> reverse_iterator
rend Iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed vector.
auto rbegin() const -> const_reverse_iterator
rbegin Iterator to the first element of the reversed vector
auto rend() const -> const_reverse_iterator
rend Iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed vector.
auto crbegin() const -> const_reverse_iterator
crbegin Iterator to the first element of the reversed vector
auto crend() const -> const_reverse_iterator
crend Iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed vector.
auto toEigen() -> eigen_map_type
Get an Eigen map corresponding to the current generic vector (see https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/classEigen_1_1Map.html).
auto toEigen() const -> eigen_map_const_type
Get an Eigen const map corresponding to the current generic vector (see https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/classEigen_1_1Map.html).

Protected variables

iDynTree::Span<T> m_span
Span of the pointed vector.
resize_function_type m_resizeLambda
User specified lambda to resize the existing container.

Typedef documentation

template<typename T>
using BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::vector_element_type = typename iDynTree::Span<T>::element_type

Utility aliases depending on the type T.

Some notes:

  • vector_element_type has a different name than the corresponding one in iDynTree::Span to avoid some compilation issues.
  • value_type is the same as vector_element_type, but without an eventual const attribute

template<typename T>
using BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::resize_function_type = std::function<iDynTree::Span<T>(index_type)>

Alias for the type of lambda used to resize the original vector.

In particular, it takes as input the new size (of type index size)

Function documentation

template<typename T>
BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::Vector() protected defaulted

The default constructor is private.

In fact, once the Vector is built, it is assumed to point to an existing container. To be used only if m_span and m_resizeLamba are set manually.

template<typename T>
BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::Vector(iDynTree::Span<T> span, resize_function_type resizeLambda)


span Span of the existing container
resizeLambda User defined lambda to resize the original container

template<typename T>
BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::Vector(iDynTree::Span<T> span)


span Span of the existing container

Since no resizeLambda is provided, it is assumed that the original container cannot be resized.

template<typename T>
BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::Vector(const Vector<T>& other) deleted

Copy constructor.

template<typename T>
BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::Vector(Vector<T>&& other)

Move constructor.

other Another Vector

template<typename T>
bool BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::clone(const Vector<T>& other)

Copies the content of the vector.

other Vector from which to copy
Returns true in case of success. False if the two have different size and this is not resizable.

template<typename T>
bool BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::clone(iDynTree::Span<T> other)

Copies the content of the vector.

other Span from which to copy
Returns true in case of success. False if the two have different size and this is not resizable.

template<typename T>
Vector<T>& BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::operator=(const Vector<T>& other)

operator = Copies the content

other Vector from which to copy
Returns A reference to the vector.

It calls clone(). There is an assert on its return value.

template<typename T>
Vector<T>& BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::operator=(iDynTree::Span<T> other)

operator = Copies the content

other Vector from which to copy
Returns A reference to the vector.

It calls clone(). There is an assert on its return value.

template<typename T>
Vector<T>& BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::operator=(Vector<T>&& other)

Move operator = Copies the content.

other Vector from which to copy
Returns A reference to the vector.

It calls clone(). There is an assert on its return value.

template<typename T>
bool BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::resizeVector(index_type newSize)

resizeVector It resize the original vector (if possible)

newSize New size of the vector
Returns true if the new size matches the desired. False otherwise.

template<typename T>
void BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::resize(index_type newSize)

resize It resize the original vector (if possible)

newSize New size of the vector It calls resizeVector(). There is an assert on its return value.

template<typename T>
index_type BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::size() const

size Get the size of the Vector

Returns The size of the Vector

template<typename T>
bool BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::empty() const

empty Checks if the container is empty (zero size)

Returns True if empty.

template<typename T>
const_reference BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::operator[](index_type idx) const

operator [] Accessor

idx The index to be accessed
Returns A const reference to the requested element.

template<typename T>
reference BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::operator[](index_type idx)

operator [] Accessor

idx The index to be accessed
Returns A reference to the requested element.

template<typename T>
vector_element_type BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::getVal(index_type idx) const

getVal Accessor

idx The index to be accessed
Returns A const reference to the requested element.

template<typename T>
bool BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::setVal(index_type idx, vector_element_type val)

setVal Setter

idx Index of the values to be set
val The new value
Returns False if idx is not within [0, size()).

template<typename T>
const_reference BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::at(index_type idx) const

at Accessor

idx The index to be accessed
Returns A const reference to the requested element.

template<typename T>
reference BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::at(index_type idx)

at Accessor

idx The index to be accessed
Returns A reference to the requested element.

template<typename T>
const_reference BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::operator()(index_type idx) const

operator () Accessor

idx The index to be accessed
Returns A const reference to the requested element.

template<typename T>
reference BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::operator()(index_type idx)

operator () Accessor

idx The index to be accessed
Returns A reference to the requested element.

template<typename T>
pointer BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::data() const

data Raw pointer to the data

Returns THe raw pointer to the data

template<typename T>
iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::begin()

begin Iterator

Returns An iterator to the end of the sequence

template<typename T>
iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::end()

end Iterator

Returns An iterator to the end of the sequence

template<typename T>
const_iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::begin() const

begin Iterator

Returns A const iterator to the end of the sequence

template<typename T>
const_iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::end() const

end Iterator

Returns A const iterator to the end of the sequence

template<typename T>
const_iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::cbegin() const

cbegin Iterator

Returns A const iterator to the end of the sequence

template<typename T>
const_iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::cend() const

cend Iterator

Returns A const iterator to the end of the sequence

template<typename T>
reverse_iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::rbegin()

rbegin Iterator to the first element of the reversed vector

Returns Returns a reverse iterator to the first element of the reversed vector. It corresponds to the last element of the non-reversed vector

template<typename T>
reverse_iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::rend()

rend Iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed vector.

Returns Returns a reverse iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed vector. It corresponds to the element preceding the first element of the non-reversed vector.

template<typename T>
const_reverse_iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::rbegin() const

rbegin Iterator to the first element of the reversed vector

Returns Returns a const reverse iterator to the first element of the reversed vector. It corresponds to the last element of the non-reversed vector

template<typename T>
const_reverse_iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::rend() const

rend Iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed vector.

Returns Returns a reverse iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed vector. It corresponds to the element preceding the first element of the non-reversed vector.

template<typename T>
const_reverse_iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::crbegin() const

crbegin Iterator to the first element of the reversed vector

Returns Returns a const reverse iterator to the first element of the reversed vector. It corresponds to the last element of the non-reversed vector

template<typename T>
const_reverse_iterator BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::crend() const

crend Iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed vector.

Returns Returns a reverse iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed vector. It corresponds to the element preceding the first element of the non-reversed vector.

Variable documentation

template<typename T>
iDynTree::Span<T> BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<T>::m_span protected

Span of the pointed vector.

This allows to point to an existing container without owning it.