template<class Scalar>
BipedalLocomotion::Math::Wrench class

Wrench represent a wrench, i.e.

a 6d combination of linear force and angular torque.

Public types

using Base = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 6, 1>

Public functions

auto force() const -> Eigen::Block<const Base, 3, 1> constexpr
Get the linear force of the wrench.
auto torque() const -> Eigen::Block<const Base, 3, 1> constexpr
Get the angular torque of the wrench.
auto force() -> Eigen::Block<Base, 3, 1>
Get the linear force part of the wrench.
auto torque() -> Eigen::Block<Base, 3, 1>
Get the angular torque part of the wrench.
auto getLocalCoP() const -> Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1>
Get the local CoP associated with the wrench.

Function documentation

template<class Scalar>
Eigen::Block<const Base, 3, 1> BipedalLocomotion::Math::Wrench<Scalar>::force() const constexpr

Get the linear force of the wrench.

Returns the sub-block containing the force

template<class Scalar>
Eigen::Block<const Base, 3, 1> BipedalLocomotion::Math::Wrench<Scalar>::torque() const constexpr

Get the angular torque of the wrench.

Returns the sub-block containing the torque

template<class Scalar>
Eigen::Block<Base, 3, 1> BipedalLocomotion::Math::Wrench<Scalar>::force()

Get the linear force part of the wrench.

Returns the sub-block containing the force

template<class Scalar>
Eigen::Block<Base, 3, 1> BipedalLocomotion::Math::Wrench<Scalar>::torque()

Get the angular torque part of the wrench.

Returns the sub-block containing the torque

template<class Scalar>
Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1> BipedalLocomotion::Math::Wrench<Scalar>::getLocalCoP() const

Get the local CoP associated with the wrench.

Returns the CoP expressed in the local frame

The center of pressure (CoP) is defined is a dynamic point defined in between two bodies in contact. The CoP is a local quantity defined from interaction forces at the contact surface.