BipedalLocomotion::Contacts namespace


class ContactDetector
class FixedFootDetector
The FixedFootDetector is a class that can be used to find the fixed foot given a sequence of contacts.
class SchmittTriggerDetector
Schmitt Trigger thresholding based contact detector that maintains and updates the contact states for a prescribed set of contacts.
struct ContactBase
Definition of the type of contact base class.
struct PlannedContact
Definition of a Planned Contact structure.
struct EstimatedContact
Definition of an Estimated Contact structure.
struct ContactWrench
Definition of an ContactWrench structure.
struct Corner
Definition of a corner.
struct DiscreteGeometryContact
DiscreteGeometryContact is a contact which is represented by a set of corners that exchanges a pure force whith the enviroment.
class ContactList
Class containing a list of contacts.
struct ContactPhase
Struct defining a contact phase.
class ContactPhaseList
The ContactPhaseList class computes the contact phases according to a bunch of input contact lists.
class GlobalCoPEvaluator
GlobalCoPEvaluator is a class that computes the global CoP given a set of contact wrenches.


enum class ContactType { FULL, POINT }
Definition of the type of contact.


using EstimatedContactList = std::unordered_map<std::string, Contacts::EstimatedContact>
using EstimatedLandmark = EstimatedContact
using ContactListMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, ContactList>
Utility alias to a map of ContacLists.


auto contactListMapFromJson(const std::string& filename) -> ContactListMap
Parse a ContactListMap from a JSON file.
auto contactListMapToJson(const ContactListMap& map, const std::string& filename) -> bool
Store a ContactListMap to a JSON file.