BipedalLocomotion::Estimators::FloatingBaseEstimators::StateStdDev struct

Struct containing prior state deviation parameters of floating base estimators.

Public variables

Eigen::Vector3d imuOrientation
Prior deviation of IMU orientation in inertial frame expressed in radians as rpy.
Eigen::Vector3d imuPosition
Prior deviation of IMU position in inertial frame expressed in m as xyz.
Eigen::Vector3d imuLinearVelocity
Prior deviation of mixed-trivialized IMU linear velocity expressed in m/s.
Eigen::Vector3d imuAngularVelocity
Prior deviation of mixed-trivialized IMU angular velocity expressed in rad/s.
Eigen::Vector3d lContactFrameOrientation
Prior deviation of left foot contact frame orientation in inertial frame expressed in radians as rpy.
Eigen::Vector3d lContactFramePosition
Prior deviation of left foot contact frame position in inertial frame expressed in m as xyz.
Eigen::Vector3d rContactFrameOrientation
Prior deviation of right foot contact frame orientation in inertial frame expressed in radians as rpy.
Eigen::Vector3d rContactFramePosition
Prior deviation of right foot contact frame position in inertial frame expressed in m as xyz.
Eigen::Vector3d accelerometerBias
Prior deviation of IMU accelerometer bias in local frame expressed in m/s^2.
Eigen::Vector3d gyroscopeBias
Prior deviation of IMU gyroscope bias in local frame expressed in rad/s.
PoseCovariance supportFramePose
Container of deviations of support frame pose in inertial frame.
PoseCovariance landmarkPose
Container of deviations of landmark pose in inertial frame.