BipedalLocomotion::Math::SchmittTrigger::Params struct

Struct holding switching parameters for the Schmitt Trigger.

Public variables

double onThreshold
high value threshold to initiate an ON state switch after switchOnAfter time-units
double offThreshold
low value threshold to initiate an OFF state switch after switchOffAfter time-units
std::chrono::nanoseconds switchOnAfter
Time to wait before switching to ON state from OFF state.
std::chrono::nanoseconds switchOffAfter
Time to wait before switching to OFF state from ON state.

Variable documentation

std::chrono::nanoseconds BipedalLocomotion::Math::SchmittTrigger::Params::switchOnAfter

Time to wait before switching to ON state from OFF state.

Ensure it's greater than sampling time.

std::chrono::nanoseconds BipedalLocomotion::Math::SchmittTrigger::Params::switchOffAfter

Time to wait before switching to OFF state from ON state.

Ensure it's greater than sampling time.