BipedalLocomotion::Perception::Features::PCLProcessorParameters struct

Public variables

std::array<double, 3> voxelSizeDownsampling
voxel grid leaf size (x, y , z) in meters for downsampling based on centroid of all the points
int nrPointsForOutlierEstimation
number of neighboring points to analyze for statistical outlier removal filter
double multiplierForOutlierStdDev
multiplier for standard deviation (k-sigma) from the mean distance of neighboring points to the query point for statistical outlier removal.
double spatialClusterTolerance
spatial distance in meters to consider the Euclidean clustering of points (L2 euclidean norm)
int minNrPointsInCluster
minimum number of points required to detect a cluster
int maxNrPointsInCluster
maximum number of points allowed in a detected cluster

Variable documentation

double BipedalLocomotion::Perception::Features::PCLProcessorParameters::multiplierForOutlierStdDev

multiplier for standard deviation (k-sigma) from the mean distance of neighboring points to the query point for statistical outlier removal.

any points larger than k-sigma from the mean will be removed