BipedalLocomotion::Planners::UnicycleTrajectoryPlannerInput struct

Public types

struct COMInitialState

Public static functions

static auto generateDummyUnicycleTrajectoryPlannerInput() -> UnicycleTrajectoryPlannerInput

Public variables

Eigen::VectorXd plannerInput
UnicycleTrajectoryPlannerInput implements the input to the planner.
DCMInitialState dcmInitialState
Initial state of the DCM trajectory generator.
COMInitialState comInitialState
Initial state of the CoM.
bool isLeftLastSwinging
True if the last foot that was swinging is the left one.
std::chrono::nanoseconds initTime
Initial time of the trajectory.
manif::SE3d measuredTransform
Measured transform of the last foot that touched the floor.

Variable documentation

Eigen::VectorXd BipedalLocomotion::Planners::UnicycleTrajectoryPlannerInput::plannerInput

UnicycleTrajectoryPlannerInput implements the input to the planner.

Depending on the type of unicycle controller used the plannerInput is a 2d-vector or a 3d-vector. For instance, if unicycle controller is set to UnicycleController::PERSON_FOLLOWING, the plannerInput is a vector of size 2 that represents a reference position (i.e., [x, y]). Instead, if it is set to UnicycleController::DIRECT, the plannerInput is a vector of size 3 that representes a velocity command (i.e., [xdot, ydot, wz]). Input to the unicycle planner

bool BipedalLocomotion::Planners::UnicycleTrajectoryPlannerInput::isLeftLastSwinging

True if the last foot that was swinging is the left one.

False otherwise.