template<typename _Derived>
BipedalLocomotion::ContinuousDynamicalSystem::LieGroupDynamics class

LieGroupDynamics describes the dynamics of a LieGroup.

In details, given an element of a Lie group $X \in G$ and a vector of its Lie Algebra $ x \in \mathrm{g}$ , LieGroupDynamics implements

\[ \dot{X} = x X \]

where $\dot{X} \in T_X G$ with $T_X G$ is the Tangent space of $G$ at $X$ .

The LieGroupDynamics inherits from a generic DynamicalSystem where the State is described by a BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::named_tuple

LieGroup_DerivedThe Lie group considered by the dynamics

The StateDerivative is described by a BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::named_tuple

Tangent_Derived::TangentElement of the tangent vector in Left trivialized

The Input is described by a BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::named_tuple

Tangent_Derived::TangentElement of the tangent vector in Left trivialized

Base classes

template<class _Derived>
class DynamicalSystem<LieGroupDynamics<_Derived>>
DynamicalSystem defines a continuous time dynamical system, i.e.

Public types

using State = typename DynamicalSystem<LieGroupDynamics<_Derived>>::State
using Input = typename DynamicalSystem<LieGroupDynamics<_Derived>>::Input
using StateDerivative = typename DynamicalSystem<LieGroupDynamics<_Derived>>::StateDerivative

Public functions

auto setState(const State& state) -> bool
Set the state of the dynamical system.
auto getState() const -> const State&
Get the state to the dynamical system.
auto setControlInput(const Input& controlInput) -> bool
Set the control input to the dynamical system.
auto dynamics(const std::chrono::nanoseconds& time, StateDerivative& stateDerivative) -> bool
Computes the floating based system dynamics.

Function documentation

template<typename _Derived>
bool BipedalLocomotion::ContinuousDynamicalSystem::LieGroupDynamics<_Derived>::setState(const State& state)

Set the state of the dynamical system.

state tuple containing a const reference to the state elements.
Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.

template<typename _Derived>
const State& BipedalLocomotion::ContinuousDynamicalSystem::LieGroupDynamics<_Derived>::getState() const

Get the state to the dynamical system.

Returns the current state of the dynamical system

template<typename _Derived>
bool BipedalLocomotion::ContinuousDynamicalSystem::LieGroupDynamics<_Derived>::setControlInput(const Input& controlInput)

Set the control input to the dynamical system.

controlInput the value of the control input used to compute the system dynamics.
Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.

template<typename _Derived>
bool BipedalLocomotion::ContinuousDynamicalSystem::LieGroupDynamics<_Derived>::dynamics(const std::chrono::nanoseconds& time, StateDerivative& stateDerivative)

Computes the floating based system dynamics.

time the time at witch the dynamics is computed.
Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.

It return $f(x, u, t)$ .