BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpCameraBridge class

YarpCameraBridge Yarp implementation of the ICameraBridge interface Currently available interfaces.

  • Depth Cameras through RGBD sensor interface
  • Camera images through OpenCV Grabber interface

The YarpCameraBridge expects a list of device drivers through the yarp::dev::PolyDriverList object. Each PolyDriver object in the list is compared with the configured sensor names and the assumptions listed below to infer the sensor types and relevant interfaces in order to to read the relevant data.


  • Every sensor unit(device driver) attached to this Bridge is identified by a unique name
  • The images are available through a FrameGrabber interface (RGB only) and a RGBD interface (RGB and Depth).
  • The current internal design (read all sensors in a serial fashion) may not be suitable for a heavy measurement set

The parameters for writing the configuration file for this class is given as,

CamerasExpects cameras to be opened either as remote frame grabber ("RemoteFrameGrabber") with IFrameGrabber interface or rgbd sensor ("RGBDSensorClient") with IRGBDSensor interfaceYes
rgbd_cameras_listvector of stringslist containing the devices opened as RGBDSensorClients containing the IRGBD sensor interfaceYes
rgbd_image_widthvector of integerslist containing the image width dimensions of RGBD cameras. The list must be the same size and order as rgbd_list. If not provided, the size of the image is taken from the YarpInterface after calling YarpCameraBridge::setDriversListNo
rgbd_image_heightvector of integerslist containing the image height dimensions of RGBD cameras. The list must be the same size and order as rgbd_list. If not provided the size of the image is taken from the YarpInterface after calling YarpCameraBridge::setDriversListNo
rgb_cameras_listvector of stringslist containing the devices opened as RemoteFrameGrabber devices containing the IFrameGrabber interfaceYes
rgb_image_widthvector of integerslist containing the image width dimensions of RGB cameras. The list must be the same size and order as rgb_list. If not provided the size of the image is taken from the YarpInterface after calling YarpCameraBridge::setDriversListNo
rgb_image_heightvector of integerslist containing the image height dimensions of RGB cameras. The list must be the same size and order as rgb_list. If not provided the size of the image is taken from the YarpInterface after calling YarpCameraBridge::setDriversListNo

Base classes

class ICameraBridge
Sensor bridge interface.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

auto initialize(std::weak_ptr<const BipedalLocomotion::ParametersHandler::IParametersHandler> handler) -> bool final
Initialize estimator.
auto setDriversList(const yarp::dev::PolyDriverList& deviceDriversList) -> bool
Set the list of device drivers from which the sensor measurements need to be streamed.
auto isValid() const -> bool final
Determines the validity of the object retrieved with getMetadata()
auto get() const -> const BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::CameraBridgeMetaData&
Get the object.
auto getMetaData() const -> const BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::CameraBridgeMetaData& final
Get the stored metadata.
auto getRGBCamerasList(std::vector<std::string>& rgbCamerasList) -> bool final
Get rgb cameras.
auto getRGBDCamerasList(std::vector<std::string>& rgbdCamerasList) -> bool final
Get RGBD cameras.
auto getColorImage(const std::string& camName, cv::Mat& colorImg, std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<double>> receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get color image from the camera.
auto getDepthImage(const std::string& camName, cv::Mat& depthImg, std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<double>> receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) -> bool final
Get depth image.

Function documentation

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpCameraBridge::initialize(std::weak_ptr<const BipedalLocomotion::ParametersHandler::IParametersHandler> handler) final

Initialize estimator.

handler in Parameters handler

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpCameraBridge::setDriversList(const yarp::dev::PolyDriverList& deviceDriversList)

Set the list of device drivers from which the sensor measurements need to be streamed.

deviceDriversList device drivers holding the pointer to sensor interfaces
Returns True/False in case of success/failure.

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpCameraBridge::isValid() const final

Determines the validity of the object retrieved with getMetadata()

Returns True if the object is valid, false otherwise.

const BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::CameraBridgeMetaData& BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpCameraBridge::get() const

Get the object.

Returns a const reference of the requested object.

const BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::CameraBridgeMetaData& BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpCameraBridge::getMetaData() const final

Get the stored metadata.

Returns a const reference to the metadata

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpCameraBridge::getRGBCamerasList(std::vector<std::string>& rgbCamerasList) final

Get rgb cameras.

rgbCamerasList out list of rgb cameras attached to the bridge
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpCameraBridge::getRGBDCamerasList(std::vector<std::string>& rgbdCamerasList) final

Get RGBD cameras.

rgbdCamerasList out list of depth cameras attached to the bridge
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpCameraBridge::getColorImage(const std::string& camName, cv::Mat& colorImg, std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<double>> receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get color image from the camera.

camName in name of the camera
colorImg out image as cv Mat object
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure

bool BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::YarpCameraBridge::getDepthImage(const std::string& camName, cv::Mat& depthImg, std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<double>> receiveTimeInSeconds = {}) final

Get depth image.

camName in name of the gyroscope
depthImg out depth image as cv Mat object
receiveTimeInSeconds out time at which the measurement was received
Returns true/false in case of success/failure