BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher class

The class internally contains a YARP based ROS node and a set of publishers.

Current implementation consists of

  • Joint states publisher
  • Wrenches publisher
  • Transform broadcaster Although the class might be ROS independent, in order to run the code, ROS is required and usual YARP-ROS connections need to be made.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

RosPublisher(const std::string& nodeName)
RosPublisher(const RosPublisher& other) deleted
delete copy constructor
RosPublisher(RosPublisher&& other) deleted
delete move constructor

Public functions

auto initialize(std::weak_ptr<BipedalLocomotion::ParametersHandler::IParametersHandler> handler) -> bool
Configures the publishers and ROS topics for publishing messages The parameters used to configure the RosPublisher,.
void stop()
Clear internal configuration and close the node.
auto publishJointStates(const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const std::string>::Ref jointList, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointPositions) -> bool
Publish the joint states over the configured joint states topic The joint velocities and joint efforts are set to zero.
auto publishJointStates(const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const std::string>::Ref jointList, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointPositions, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointVelocities) -> bool
Publish the joint states over the configured joint states topic The joint velocities and joint efforts are set to zero.
auto publishJointStates(const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const std::string>::Ref jointList, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointPositions, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointVelocities, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointEfforts) -> bool
Publish the joint states over the configured joint states topic The joint velocities and joint efforts are set to zero.
auto publishWrench(const std::string& frameName, BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref wrench6d) -> bool
Publish the wrenches over the configured wrench topic associated to the frame.
auto publishTransform(const std::string& target, const std::string& source, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref transformAsVector16d) -> bool
Publish transforms to the transform server.
auto configureTransformServer(const std::string& transformServerPort) -> bool
Configure which transform server to connect to.
auto configureJointStatePublisher(const std::string& topicName) -> bool
Configure the topic over which joint states are published.
auto configureWrenchPublisher(const std::string& frameName, const std::string& topicName) -> bool
Add or reconfigure a wrench publisher.
auto removeWrenchPublisher(const std::string& frameName) -> bool
Remove wrench publisher.
auto operator=(const RosPublisher& other) -> RosPublisher& deleted
delete copy assignment operator
auto operator=(RosPublisher&& other) -> RosPublisher& deleted
delete move assignment operator

Function documentation

BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher::RosPublisher(const std::string& nodeName)


nodeName in Name of the ROS publisher node

bool BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher::initialize(std::weak_ptr<BipedalLocomotion::ParametersHandler::IParametersHandler> handler)

Configures the publishers and ROS topics for publishing messages The parameters used to configure the RosPublisher,.

handler in Parameter handler
  • "joint_states_topic" name of the topic over which the joint states need to be published
  • "transform_server_port" name of the already running transform server's remote port
  • "WrenchPublishers" is group with the following parameters,
    • "frame_names" a list containing the frames at which the published wrenches should be expressed
    • "topics" a list containing the topics over which the wrenches need to be published. Must be the same size and order as frame_names.

bool BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher::publishJointStates(const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const std::string>::Ref jointList, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointPositions)

Publish the joint states over the configured joint states topic The joint velocities and joint efforts are set to zero.

jointList in list of joints
jointPositions in list of joint positions in m or rad with the same size as the joints list

bool BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher::publishJointStates(const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const std::string>::Ref jointList, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointPositions, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointVelocities)

Publish the joint states over the configured joint states topic The joint velocities and joint efforts are set to zero.

jointList in list of joints
jointPositions in list of joint positions in m or rad with the same size as the joints list
jointVelocities in list of joint velocities in m/s or rad/s with the same size as the joints list

bool BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher::publishJointStates(const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const std::string>::Ref jointList, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointPositions, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointVelocities, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref jointEfforts)

Publish the joint states over the configured joint states topic The joint velocities and joint efforts are set to zero.

jointList in list of joints
jointPositions in list of joint torques/forces in Nm or N with the same size as the joints list
jointVelocities in list of joint velocities in m/s or rad/s with the same size as the joints list

bool BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher::publishWrench(const std::string& frameName, BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref wrench6d)

Publish the wrenches over the configured wrench topic associated to the frame.

frameName in frame at which the wrench will be expressed
wrench6d in 6d wrench as force-torque in N-Nm with serialziation as fx fy fz tx ty tz

bool BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher::publishTransform(const std::string& target, const std::string& source, const BipedalLocomotion::GenericContainer::Vector<const double>::Ref transformAsVector16d)

Publish transforms to the transform server.

target in target frame for the transform
source in source frame of the transform
transformAsVector16d in 4x4 transform as a vector data in row-major order

bool BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher::configureTransformServer(const std::string& transformServerPort)

Configure which transform server to connect to.

transformServerPort in name of the transform server port

bool BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher::configureJointStatePublisher(const std::string& topicName)

Configure the topic over which joint states are published.

topicName in topic name

bool BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher::configureWrenchPublisher(const std::string& frameName, const std::string& topicName)

Add or reconfigure a wrench publisher.

frameName in frame name
topicName in topic name

bool BipedalLocomotion::YarpUtilities::RosPublisher::removeWrenchPublisher(const std::string& frameName)

Remove wrench publisher.

frameName in frame name