BipedalLocomotion::ML::MANNFootState struct

MANNFootState contains the state of a foot in contact with the ground.

Public static functions

static auto generateFootState(iDynTree::KinDynComputations& kindyn, const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& corners, const std::string& footName, int footIndex) -> MANNFootState
Generate a foot state.

Public variables

Contacts::EstimatedContact contact
Contact state.
Math::SchmittTriggerState schmittTriggerState
Schmitt trigger state.
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> corners
Corners of the foot.

Function documentation

static MANNFootState BipedalLocomotion::ML::MANNFootState::generateFootState(iDynTree::KinDynComputations& kindyn, const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& corners, const std::string& footName, int footIndex)

Generate a foot state.

kindyn an instance of KinDynComputations used to compute the foot position.
corners Vector containing the corners of the foot expressed in the foot frame (i.e., a frame attached to the foot sole with the x axis pointing forward, the y axis pointing to the left and the z axis pointing upward).
footName name of the foot.
footIndex index of the foot in the model. This is required to compute the foot position with the KinDynComputations object.
Returns a dummy MANNFootState.