BipedalLocomotion::Math::SchmittTriggerState struct

SchmittTriggerState contains the internal state of the trigger,.

Base classes

struct SchmittTriggerOutput

Public variables

std::chrono::nanoseconds timer
Internal timer used by the switcher to understand if it is the time to switch.
std::chrono::nanoseconds risingEdgeTimeInstant
Internal quantity used to store the time at which a falling edge as been detected.
std::chrono::nanoseconds fallingEdgeTimeInstant
bool risingDetected
True if the rising edge is detected.
bool fallingDetected
True if the falling edge is detected.

Variable documentation

std::chrono::nanoseconds BipedalLocomotion::Math::SchmittTriggerState::timer

Internal timer used by the switcher to understand if it is the time to switch.

Internal quantity used to store the time at which a rising edge as been detected