BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::SensorBridgeOptions struct

Sensor bridge options.

Public variables

bool isJointSensorsEnabled
flag to connect joint measurement sources
bool isIMUEnabled
flag to connect IMU measurement sources
bool isLinearAccelerometerEnabled
flag to connect linear accelerometer measurement sources
bool isGyroscopeEnabled
flag to connect gyroscope measurement sources
bool isOrientationSensorEnabled
flag to connect gyroscope measurement sources
bool isMagnetometerEnabled
flag to connect magnetometer measurement sources
bool isSixAxisForceTorqueSensorEnabled
flag to connect six axis force torque measurement sources
bool isThreeAxisForceTorqueSensorEnabled
flag to connect six axis force torque measurement sources
bool isCartesianWrenchEnabled
flag to connect cartesian wrench measurement sources
bool isPIDsEnabled
bool isMotorSensorsEnabled
flag to connect pid position measurement sources
bool isPWMControlEnabled
flag to connect motor measurement sources
bool isTemperatureSensorEnabled
flag to connect PWM measurement sources
size_t nrJoints
flag to connect temperature measurement sources

Variable documentation

size_t BipedalLocomotion::RobotInterface::SensorBridgeOptions::nrJoints

flag to connect temperature measurement sources

number of joints available through Kinematics stream, to be configured at initialization