BipedalLocomotion/ML/MANNAutoregressive.h file


namespace BipedalLocomotion
namespace BipedalLocomotion::ML


struct BipedalLocomotion::ML::MANNAutoregressiveInput
MANNAutoregressiveInput contains the unput to MANN network when used in autoregressive fashion.
struct BipedalLocomotion::ML::MANNAutoregressiveOutput
MANNAutoregressiveOutput contains the output to the MANN network when used in autoregressive fashion.
class BipedalLocomotion::ML::MANNAutoregressive
MANNAutoregressive is a class that allows to perform autoregressive inference with Mode-Adaptive Neural Networks (MANN).
struct BipedalLocomotion::ML::MANNAutoregressive::AutoregressiveState
AutoregressiveState contains all quantities required to reset the Advanceable The base position trajectory, facing direction trajectory and base velocity trajectories are written in a bidimensional local reference frame L in which we assume all the quantities related to the ground-projected base trajectory in xi and yi to be expressed.