BipedalLocomotion::ML::MANNAutoregressiveOutput struct

MANNAutoregressiveOutput contains the output to the MANN network when used in autoregressive fashion.

Public variables

Eigen::VectorXd jointsPosition
Joint positions in radians.
manif::SE3d basePose
Base pose with respect to the inertial frame, i.e., ${}^I H_B$ .
manif::SE3d::Tangent baseVelocity
Base velocity in mixed representation.
Eigen::Vector3d comPosition
Eigen::Vector3d angularMomentum
Contacts::EstimatedContact leftFoot
Left foot contact.
Math::SchmittTriggerState leftFootSchmittTriggerState
Contacts::EstimatedContact rightFoot
Right foot contact.
Math::SchmittTriggerState rightFootSchmittTriggerState
std::chrono::nanoseconds currentTime
Current time stored in the advanceable.