template<class _Task, class _State>
BipedalLocomotion::System::ILinearTaskSolver class

ILinearTaskSolver describes the interface for solving problem related to LinearTask class.

Please check IntegrationBasedIK for further details.

Base classes

template<class Output>
class Source<_State>
Source is a template specialization of Advanceable and represents a block that does not contains input.

Public types

using Task = _Task
using State = _State

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~ILinearTaskSolver() defaulted virtual

Public functions

auto addTask(std::shared_ptr<Task> task, const std::string& taskName, std::size_t priority, std::shared_ptr<const System::WeightProviderPort> weightProvider = nullptr) -> bool pure virtual
Add a linear task in the solver.
auto addTask(std::shared_ptr<Task> task, const std::string& taskName, std::size_t priority, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> weight) -> bool pure virtual
Add a linear task in the solver.
auto setTaskWeight(const std::string& taskName, std::shared_ptr<const WeightProviderPort> weightProvider) -> bool pure virtual
Set the weightProvider associated to an already existing task.
auto setTaskWeight(const std::string& taskName, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> weight) -> bool pure virtual
Set the weight associated to an already existing task.
auto getTaskWeightProvider(const std::string& taskName) const -> std::weak_ptr<const WeightProviderPort> pure virtual
Get the weightProvider associated to an already existing task.
auto getTaskNames() const -> std::vector<std::string> pure virtual
Get a vector containing the name of the tasks.
auto finalize(const System::VariablesHandler& handler) -> bool pure virtual
Finalize the Solver.
auto getTask(const std::string& name) const -> std::weak_ptr<Task> pure virtual
Get a specific task.
auto toString() const -> std::string pure virtual
Return the description of the solver problem.
auto getRawSolution() const -> Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> pure virtual
Return the vector representing the entire solution of the ILinearTaskSolver.

Function documentation

template<class _Task, class _State>
bool BipedalLocomotion::System::ILinearTaskSolver<_Task, _State>::addTask(std::shared_ptr<Task> task, const std::string& taskName, std::size_t priority, std::shared_ptr<const System::WeightProviderPort> weightProvider = nullptr) pure virtual

Add a linear task in the solver.

task pointer to a given linear task
taskName unique name associated to the task.
priority Priority associated to the task. The lower the number the higher the priority.
weightProvider Weight provider associated to the task. This parameter is optional. The default value is an object that does not contain any value. So is an invalid provider.
Returns true if the task has been added to the solver.

template<class _Task, class _State>
bool BipedalLocomotion::System::ILinearTaskSolver<_Task, _State>::addTask(std::shared_ptr<Task> task, const std::string& taskName, std::size_t priority, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> weight) pure virtual

Add a linear task in the solver.

task pointer to a given linear task
taskName unique name associated to the task.
priority Priority associated to the task. The lower the number the higher the priority.
weight Weight associated to the task.
Returns true if the task has been added to the solver.

template<class _Task, class _State>
bool BipedalLocomotion::System::ILinearTaskSolver<_Task, _State>::setTaskWeight(const std::string& taskName, std::shared_ptr<const WeightProviderPort> weightProvider) pure virtual

Set the weightProvider associated to an already existing task.

taskName name associated to the task
weightProvider new weight provider associated to the task.
Returns true if the weight has been updated

template<class _Task, class _State>
bool BipedalLocomotion::System::ILinearTaskSolver<_Task, _State>::setTaskWeight(const std::string& taskName, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> weight) pure virtual

Set the weight associated to an already existing task.

taskName name associated to the task
weight new Weight associated to the task. A constant weight is assumed.
Returns true if the weight has been updated

template<class _Task, class _State>
std::weak_ptr<const WeightProviderPort> BipedalLocomotion::System::ILinearTaskSolver<_Task, _State>::getTaskWeightProvider(const std::string& taskName) const pure virtual

Get the weightProvider associated to an already existing task.

taskName name associated to the task
Returns a weak pointer to the weightProvider. If the task does not exist the pointer is not lockable

template<class _Task, class _State>
std::vector<std::string> BipedalLocomotion::System::ILinearTaskSolver<_Task, _State>::getTaskNames() const pure virtual

Get a vector containing the name of the tasks.

Returns an std::vector containing all the names associated to the tasks

template<class _Task, class _State>
bool BipedalLocomotion::System::ILinearTaskSolver<_Task, _State>::finalize(const System::VariablesHandler& handler) pure virtual

Finalize the Solver.

handler parameter handler.
Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.

template<class _Task, class _State>
std::weak_ptr<Task> BipedalLocomotion::System::ILinearTaskSolver<_Task, _State>::getTask(const std::string& name) const pure virtual

Get a specific task.

name name associated to the task.
Returns a weak ptr associated to an existing task in the solver. If the task does not exist a nullptr is returned.

template<class _Task, class _State>
std::string BipedalLocomotion::System::ILinearTaskSolver<_Task, _State>::toString() const pure virtual

Return the description of the solver problem.

Returns a string containing the description of the solver.

template<class _Task, class _State>
Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> BipedalLocomotion::System::ILinearTaskSolver<_Task, _State>::getRawSolution() const pure virtual

Return the vector representing the entire solution of the ILinearTaskSolver.

Returns a vector containing the solution of the solver