BipedalLocomotion::System namespace


class YarpClock
YarpClock implements the IClock interface using yarp functions.
class YarpClockFactory
class RosClock
RosClock implements the IClock interface using ros functions.
class RosClockFactory
template<class _Input, class _Output>
class Advanceable
Basic class that represents a discrete system.
template<class _Advanceable>
class AdvanceableRunner
AdvanceableRunner is an helper class that can be used to run a advanceable at a given period.
class Barrier
Barrier provides a thread-coordination mechanism that allows an expected number of threads to block until the expected number of threads arrive at the barrier.
class ClockBuilder
class ConstantWeightProvider
ConstantWeightProvider describes the provider for a constant weight.
template<typename _Type>
class Factory
Factory implements the factory design patter for constructing a an object of a given Type given its id.
class IClock
IClock is the interface to the clock.
class ClockFactory
ClockFactory is an interface that implements the factory paradigm.
template<typename _Task>
class ILinearTaskFactory
ILinearTaskFactory implements the factory design patter for constructing a linear task given its type.
template<class _Task, class _State>
class ILinearTaskSolver
ILinearTaskSolver describes the interface for solving problem related to LinearTask class.
template<class _Input>
class InputPort
Basic class that represents an input port.
struct ITaskControllerManager
ITaskControllerManager is an interface that can help you to handle tasks containing controllers.
class LinearTask
LinearTask describes a Linear Task element.
template<class _Output>
class OutputPort
Basic class that represents an output port.
template<class T>
class SharedResource
Basic class that contains a shared resource between two Block classes.
template<class Input>
class Sink
Sink is a template specialization of Advanceable and represents a block that does not contains output.
template<class Output>
class Source
Source is a template specialization of Advanceable and represents a block that does not contains input.
class StdClock
StdClock implements the IClock interface using <chrono> from c++std library.
class StdClockFactory
class Timer
Timer is a simple class that can be used to measure the time between two events.
class TimeProfiler
TimeProfiler is a simple class that can be used to profile the code.
class VariablesHandler
VariableHandler is useful to handle variables in an optimization problem, Their name, dimension and position.
struct WeightProvider
WeightProvider describes the provider for a weight.
class WeightProviderFactory
WeightProviderFactory implements the factory design patter for constructing a WeightProvidergiven its type.


using EmptySignal = std::monostate
Type that can be used to described an empty signal.
using WeightProviderPort = OutputPort<Eigen::VectorXd>
WeightProviderPort port representing the weight.


void handleQuitSignals(std::function<void()> customHandler = std::function<void()>())
handleQuitSignals should be called if you want to call a function when ctrl-c event is detected.